We can already smell the cheesesteaks! Springshare is getting in on some of that brotherly love, March 20-24, as we head to Philadelphia for PLA 2018. You can expect an awesome lineup of presentations from yours truly and from your very own as we have some super guest speakers in the mix.
We’ve got love for the near…and far, so we’ll do more than send a — wish you were here. We’re Facebook Live recording the guest presentations. To check those out make your way to our Springshare Facebook page at the designated Philly time and enjoy! You can even participate by sending questions via Facebook comments. We’ll do our best to get them to the guest speaker so you can get your answers in a Springshare minute, give or take.
BiblioEvents + Springshare Integration Demo
There’s been a lot of buzz around this cool, new integration: BiblioEvents and LibCal’s Spaces bookings. What?! You heard correctly. Want to know more? Drop by the booth to check out a live demo to see just how it works.
- BiblioEvents/LibCal Integration
- Times: Thu, 10:00am and Fri, 9:45am
Product Flash Presentations
- Promote Local History & Genealogy Services with LibGuides
- Times: Wed, 4:15pm and Thu, 3:15pm
- LibCal: Your Whole Calendaring Kit & Caboodle
- Times: Wed, 4:45pm and Thu, 10:15am and Fri, 10:00am
- Promoting Book Clubs with LibGuides CMS and LibCal
- Times: Wed, 5:00pm and Thu, 3:30pm
- Managing Museum Passes and More with LibCal
- Times: Wed, 5:15pm
- Staffing Workers, Volunteers, & Pages with LibStaffer
- Times: Wed, 5:45pm and Fri, 10:30am
- LibWizard: Create Self-Paced Learning Tutorials
- Times: Wed, 6:00pm and Fri, 1:30pm
- Streamline Email & Gather Stats with LibAnswers
- Times: Thu, 3:45pm
Guest Presentations
We’re very excited to have 4 presentations from outstanding guest speakers. Make sure you get a seat to learn how they’re utilizing Springshare solutions to engage patrons and see how our library-centric tools work for Public libraries. Remember, we are recording all guest presentations live on our Facebook page.
Wednesday, March 21: View Entire Day’s Schedule

Boston Public Library: Using LibGuides to Engage the Community
With more than 61 published guides and hits totaling in the thousands, Boston Public Library uses LibGuides for a variety of reasons from sharing information with the public, showcasing important events in Boston, to coordinating LibGuides with their instruction program.
Thursday, March 22: View Entire Day’s Schedule

Greenburgh Public Library: Learn From Us!
Greenburgh is using three different Springshare products. Learn from another library that has already gone through the process of creating buy-in with staff and incorporating that transition into daily routine.

Freeport Memorial Library: Importance of LibGuides in Public Libraries
This presentation will focus on the importance of LibGuides in public libraries and will highlight the three most popular guides used by the community.
Friday, March 23: View Entire Day’s Schedule

Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh: Refining Our Data
The Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh uses LibAnalytics to gather a variety of data points beyond just Reference, and then uses the built-in Analyzing Data tool to mine that data and support decision making.