Springshare’s heading to the Mile High City, February 9 – 12. And we’ve got a totally packed schedule of guest speakers, product flash presentations, and kewl schwag to giveaway.
And, we’re Facebook Live recording all our guest presentations! So even if you can’t join us in Denver, you can still participate! To watch, navigate to our Springshare Facebook page (and give us a like while you’re there) at the scheduled presentation time, and tune-in! Remember, all presentations are in Colorado local time, so be sure to adjust for your time-zone accordingly.
Submit your questions via Facebook comments, and we’ll make sure the guest speaker answers your questions… live!
BiblioEvents + Springshare Integration Demo
In case you hadn’t heard, we’ve recently announced a unique integration between BiblioEvents and LibCal’s Spaces bookings. Wanna see how it works? Swing by and watch a live demo of the integration.
- BiblioEvents / LibCal Integration
- Times: Sat, 10:30am and Sun, 10:30am
Product Flash Presentations
- LibGuides CMS: A Platform to Power Your Website
- Times: Fri, 5:45pm and Sun, 12:00pm
- LibAnswers: Provide Point-of-Need Help
- Times: Sat, 10:00am and Sun, 2:30pm
- LibCRM: A CRM for Outreach & Liaison Librarians
- Times: Sat, 1:00pm; Sun, 4:00pm; and Mon, 12:00pm
- LibCal: Online Equipment Reservations Made Easy
- Times: Sat, 3:30pm and Sun, 10:00am
- LibWizard: Scalable, Self-Paced Learning for Online Students
- Times: Sat, 4:00pm and Sun, 9:30am
- LibInsight: Big Data Tool
- Time: Mon, 11:00am
Guest Presentations
We have an extraordinary lineup of 11 presentations by 13 guest presenters. Don’t miss out on seeing how they’re using Springshare tools to reduce workflow friction, power their library website, and provide stellar service. Can’t attend? No worries, like we said above – we’re recording all presentations live on our Facebook page.
Friday, Feb 9: View Entire Day’s Schedule

Texas A&M Univ.: Using LibGuides CMS as our Website
6:00pm – 6:15pm
We use LibGuides CMS to power the Texas A&M University – Central Texas Library Website. I will show how and why we did it and also how LibWizard has helped us with our children’s programs.By using LibGuides and the LibWizard, we are able to be in charge of our own site, instead of letting our IT staff run it.

Rocky Vista Univ.: Powering our Website with LibGuides
6:30pm – 6:45pm
Over the course of the last five months, the Library completely reimaged our virtual presence through a complete redesign of our Library’s website using LibGuides. We utilized new features, such as image carousels, the A-Z database page, and the system wide Blog to improve the visibility and accessibility of our collection. The Library’s team explored different avenues of ‘designing on a budget’ by integrating third-party applications using Springshare’s embedded design.
Saturday, Feb 10: View Entire Day’s Schedule

Univ. Tennessee Knoxville: LibAnswers for ER Troubleshooting
11:00am – 11:15am
We strategized, tested, tweaked, and implemented a workflow for how we handle “eproblems” as well as what statistics we capture. We chose the LibAnswers tool and are pleased with how this tool has helped us better streamline our work with access issues, especially in tracking troubleshooting and resolution.

Walden Univ.: Harness LibAnswers’ Query Spy to Meet User Needs
12:00pm – 12:15pm
In 2016 I categorized and analyzed three months of unsubmitted queries (approximately 30K) for Quick Answers. I wanted to know what users were trying to find but could not. This led to insights about what users were typing into the FAQ box, the creation of new FAQs, and helped with the eventual redesign of the Library website.

Univ. of Central Arkansas: Using LibGuides CMS as a Staff Knowledgebase
2:00pm – 2:15pm
We use LibGuide CMS to create a knowledgebase for faculty and staff who work the library’s Reference Desk. In our library, our Reference Desk is covered by 16 faculty and staff who work in different departments in the library and have varied schedules. Communicating information to this group to can be challenging, and the reference LibGuide gave us the opportunity to collect information in one easy-to-use location.

Colorado School of Mines: On the Shoulders of Giants
3:00pm – 3:15pm
How do you coordinate a multi-section information literacy lesson while ensuring all students have a quality experience? With LibGuides, of course! In fall 2017, the Library used a LibGuide for the “Scholarship as Conversation” lesson in the Mines’ Freshman Success Seminar course. Roughly 1200 students, 92 peer mentors and 46 instructors rotated through a 50 minute lesson and library tour over the course of 10 days.
Sunday, Feb 11: View Entire Day’s Schedule

Univ. of Colorado Denver: Supporting Research Workshops through LibGuides
11:00am – 11:15am
Over the past year and a half, Auraria Library has developed a series of workshops to teach research skills to faculty and students. While developing these workshops, the Library created a LibGuide for each workshop to support the workshop content as well as provide further information about the workshop topics.

NorthCentral University: Gain Insight on Patrons’ Search Habits
2:00pm – 2:15pm
Query Spy can be a helpful insight into your patrons’ questions and searching habits. I will demonstrate how I review Query Spy for search terms and question phrases that patrons use. I then will integrate the terms as Tags into existing FAQs to increase the chance that they will be discovered in new searches or create new FAQs if not in our system.

Pikes Peak Library District: LibGuides for Communication
3:00pm – 3:15pm
PPLD uses LibGuides to communicate and improve accessibility to resources and local information for both staff and patrons, including addressing common reference questions and service needs. This product has also been used to save staff time and create internal training manuals. It has served as an excellent way for us to share information in an organized, user friendly format.

Arizona State University: Ask-a-Librarian Program
3:30pm – 3:45pm
With a university totaling more than 100,000, ASU Library is confronted with the challenge of connecting a global community to high-quality resources and information professionals; allowing each person to recognize their potential and be successful. The ASU Library implemented the Springshare platform LibAnswers to create an institutional knowledge communication channel called Ask-a-Librarian.
Monday, Feb 12: View Entire Day’s Schedule

Central Washington Univ.: Innovative Uses of LibGuides
10:00am – 10:15am
A summary of innovative ways in which LibGuides is being used by the librarians, staff, and students of Central Washington University’s Brooks Library. These include use of the program to create pages on CWU yearly programming themes related to social justice, the library’s annual fundraising gala event, and a conference that took place in the library during the summer of 2017.