Early this year, we announced greater LibAuth integration with Springshare Tools. One of the components of this integration is the ability to use your own authentication method to login to your v2 Springy tools!
Basically, if you’re using LDAP, CAS, Shibboleth, SAML, ADFS, or a self-hosted authentication tool – you can use that protocol for logging into your LibGuides, LibCal, LibAnswers, etc.
While you’ll still need to have an account in those Springshare tools, you won’t have to remember separate passwords for your Authentication layer and your Springshare apps.
Setting It Up – Cool Winter Project!
Navigate to LibApps > Admin > LibAuth Authentication. You need to be a LibApps admin in order to see this menu. Being a LibApps admin is different than being a LibGuides admin. Contact your LibApps admin if you need to elevate your account status.
On the configuration tab, set up your authentication protocol and be sure to run tests to make sure it’s working. At the bottom of the screen, click “YES” under Allow logging into LibApps using this authentication. Inside your authentication layer, you’ll need to release the email attribute.
Creating a lot of LibGuides Accounts?
No one wants to click ‘Add Account’ 100+ times when adding all of your LibGuides authors. But, they do need to have a LibGuides account for the authentication integration to ‘connect’. So, we’ve got a workaround that will make things much faster for LibGuides admins!
- Setup your LibAuth login credentials (see above)
- Login to LibGuides > Admin > Accounts
- Click ‘Invitations’ Tab > Invite Users Button
- Paste in email addresses for all your LibGuides authors (paste in hundreds of emails!)
- Choose account level > hit send!
- Authors will receive an invitation to create an account password however, their account has been ‘created’ so they can sign into LibGuides using your authentication layer!
Important Things to Note:
- Not available with SIP2 – SIP does not contain the email attribute, so we’re not able to offer this option for SIP2 authentication services.
- Granular Permissions – Are still managed at the Springshare Tool level. So granting access to specific tools and areas within those tools are handled inside LibGuides, LibAnswers, LibCal, etc.
But Wait, There’s More!
If you haven’t had a chance to check it out, there are amazing LibAuth integrations with LibCal. You can route users through your authentication layer for Room Bookings, Calendar Event Registrations, Equipment Bookings module, and even My Scheduler Librarian appointments.
It’s Just the Beginning!
This release is just phase one of our big plans for LibAuth integration with Springy Tools. We hope to integrate authentication services inside all of our Springshare apps! Just imagine, routing LibWizard quiz takers through your authentication service. Or allowing students to post on discussion boards or comments on your blog through your active directory of users. Or using your authentication protocols before patrons can initiate a LibChat chat exchange. This is just the beginning of great things to come!
Can you PLEASE make the login easier. When I am not on my computer (which has a bookmark) It takes me a half hour at least to figure out how to login!
Hi Kelsey! We’re so sorry you’re having trouble logging in. We checked in with our support team and it sounds like you’ve been in touch with them already. We hope they are able to clear up any confusion! Best, Springy Lilly
I am working from home today.
Where can I login online??
Hi Robert,
You can log in the same way you would at work! It looks like you’re at Wayland Baptist University, so if you visit your LibGuides site (https://wbu.libguides.com/), you can scroll to the bottom of the page and click “Login to LibApps” and you should be all set.
Springy Kirsten