Have you ever wanted to learn something about your LibGuides, LibAnswers, or other Springy tool in just a few minutes?
Well, we have a collection of Springy Tech Tip videos – just for you, the avid learner.

A collection of videos, under 5min each, ranging from how to use SMS Keywords in the Classroom to Promote Interactive Learning to Optimizing Your LibGuides Organization.
New Springy Tech Tip videos are made available in every edition of our Springshare Newsletter. So check back often, we’ll be adding new ones!
Feel free to watch them all at once (hello binge watching!) or space them out for whenever you have 5 minutes. Better yet, bring a snack for a Treat & Training session. Chocolate and Tech Tip Videos at the same time? Yes please!
But, that’s not all! We also make quick videos on Springshare tools, guest presenters at conferences, and more. Check out all our videos in our Video Highlights section.
Micro-learning fantastic! Thank you!