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SpringySession: Enhancing Internal Communication with Blogs

Tips for Improving Staff Collaboration We’re three weeks away from our fall SpringySession! With our SpringySession webinar series, we get the chance to share our Springy expertise and provide you with real-world strategies that you can implement in your organization. In this session, Springy Corinne will take you behind the scenes to show you how we use LibGuides Blogs internally here at Springshare to share updates, celebrate our wins, recap our conference travels, and more, all with the goal of keeping Springys across different teams and time zones on the same page. Bonus: Springy Corinne will showcase some of the…

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Research Guides 2.0

Librarian “Mick” is an avid LibGuides user of North Eastern Illinois University’s LibGuides. He has put together several great LibGuides-related posts on his blog. One post reveals his (excellent and very timely) thoughts about what Pathfinders 2.0 should look like – check it out at “LibGuides and my Philosophy of Pathfinders 2.0” In addition, Mick has also created several “How to design a LibGuide” posts. Check out Part 1 (Rich Text Box), Part 2 (Web Links), Part 3 (RSS Feeds/Podcasts),…

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Raw Weblog Statistics for LibGuides

Hello Folks,There hasn’t been much activity on our support blog because we are busy working on the new version. You’ll be impressed, I assure you 🙂 We have a question for the community, and some feedback would be appreciated. In the next release, we are thinking of making available raw weblog statistics for each library (on a monthly basis). These logs would offer a wealth of data which goes far…

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Honorable Mentions II

I will keep this one short and sweet…thanks to Wayne @ ‘Princeton Academic Librarian’ and Bob @ ‘Striking Thoughts’ for their recent reviews of LibGuides.  Links and excerpts below… Academic Librarian “For those who don’t know, Libguides is a site that lets you create locally branded subject and library research guides that are very easy to make and take advantage of lots of social softwarey stuff. Here’s what our…

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Excellent LibGuides Review

Special thanks to Scott Pfitzinger over at BiblioTech Web for one of the most glowing LibGuides reviews we have received to date.  Here is an excerpt from his post… Last week I found out about one of the coolest library technologies that’s come down the pike. It’s a Web 2.0 application designed for Library 2.0. It’s called LibGuides and it’s worth getting excited about.  It’s a system for providing information and…

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Voilà – Diacritics in LibGuides

Good news for our foreign users, as well as for librarians who are subject specialists in foreign languages and literature. We have upgraded LibGuides to include full support for diacritics. Now you can add links, pages, profiles, Guide names, descriptions, etc. and diacritics will work fine. Try it out! Special thanks to our Swedish friends for helping us out with this issue.

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145 and Counting!

Located in Nova Scotia, Dalhousie University is one of the first members of the LibGuides community located outside of the United States.  One of Canada’s leading universities, Dalhousie is widely recognized for outstanding academic quality and teaching, and a broad range of educational and research opportunities. Since joining Libguides a few months ago, Dalhousie librarians have created an incredible list of 145 subject guides, ranging from Biomedical Engineering to Italian…

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Honorable Mentions

There has been quite a bit of blog activity regarding Springshare and LibGuides lately.  Special thanks to the following blogging librarians (blogarians?) for their recent reviews and comments regarding our community! MichaelRoy @ The Kenyon LIS Blog Elisabeth @ Elisabeth Leonard on Libraries Ken @ tracking changes/changing tracks

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Blast Off @ Boston College

Congratulations to Ken, and the rest of the team at Boston College, for taking their “LibGuides @ BC” system live this week. It really is amazing how much they have achieved in only a few weeks time, and I’m sure the best is yet to come! If you looking for an excellent example of what the LibGuides system is capable of, I highly recommend that you explore what BC has created at You can…

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Using Templates When Creating Guides

We have added a new option for users creating a new Guide in LibGuides. Now you can choose to copy the style (and content) from an existing Guide and then work from there, rather than starting with a blank/empty Guide. When you click on the “Create New Guide” link on the main admin page, you will see a new option – “Use Template From” and then a dropdown box of…

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Friendly URLs in LibGuides

We heard you – you wanted “friendlier” urls for your Guides. When you are talking to patrons (or need to put the Guide url on paper) it would be neat if your Guide could have a simple url, like http://libguidesdomain/education (for your Guide about Education resources) or http://libguidesdomain/comm230 (for your comm230 course Guide). Now you can do just that! Here’s how: On your Guide admin page, click on the “status”…

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