We're excited to bring you the latest installment of Tales From the Co-Op! If you missed our previous post in this new series, be sure to check it out here: June Exchanges.
The LibAnswers 24/7 Global Chat Cooperative brings uninterrupted chat coverage to your library's LibChat service, staffed by our MLS-degreed Springy librarians and cooperative members from contributing libraries.

When you participate in the Co-Op, skilled librarians are available to answer online chats from your patrons, so your patrons get help right away. Are your local librarians busy answering other chats? Is LibChat unstaffed when your library is closed? Do you want reliable chat coverage while freeing up your librarians to focus on in-person interactions? No matter what scenario, the 24/7 Co-Op is your answer!
In these Tales From the Co-Op blog posts, we're peeking behind the Co-Op curtain to showcase snippets of real-life chat interactions between patrons and Co-Op librarians. One patron commented on their experience to say, "I enjoyed talking to Lucy Librarian. She explained it in a way I could understand and gave me examples I could appreciate. Keep up the great work!"
Please note that we care about privacy as much as you do, so we've removed all identifiable details from these transcripts and we've given fun aliases to patrons and the answering Co-Op librarians.
Curious Queries
Our Co-Op librarians are often asked about new and different topics - and with these unique topics comes the opportunity to show off some searching creativity! Here, our librarian mentions different databases, explains how they found a new search term, and connects the student to the LibGuides A-Z Databases list for further resources.
May 17, 2024 | 10:39 am
Patty Patron: I am looking for some resources related to modern trends in men's fashion, specifically men's Hawaiian shirts.
Liam Librarian: Sure, I'd be happy to guide you to some places you can search on that topic
Liam Librarian: I'm just pulling up the library's website now...can you tell me where, if anywhere, you have already tried searching the topic?
Patty Patron: I tried looking in Google Scholar
Liam Librarian: gotcha, but nowhere on the library's website yet?
Liam Librarian: There is the main search there on the homepage - but there are also many databases you can search too
Patty Patron: I tried the school library but nothing came up
Liam Librarian: What did you search there? Like what are you typing in the box?
Patty Patron: Modern Trends in Men's Fashion, Hawaiian shirts
Liam Librarian: I see - okay, so the databases are different than google, and you'll need to search by keyword
Liam Librarian: Let me share a link to one source I see that includes hawaiian shirt in the title (but seems less about the shirt)
Liam Librarian: "A Strange Moment for Hawaiian Shirts"*
Liam Librarian: I am trying to open another database but will need a minute - take a look at that while you wait
Patty Patron: I am reading it now. It is actually interesting. Not quite what I was imagining but I may end up using it.
Liam Librarian: I have another search, from the database called Proquest: search results*
Liam Librarian: There I searched: trends AND hawaiian shirts
Patty Patron: It looks like I may be able to use some of those. I was hoping to find something a little more recent though.
Liam Librarian: You can actually limit by date, using the filters on the left
Liam Librarian: here is that last link - limited from 2018-present: search results*
Liam Librarian: There is a short definition in the database CREDO that says this:
Man’s oversized shirt printed with brightly coloured designs of fruit, flowers, exotic birds and dancing girls. Hawaiian shirts were made popular by US tourists returning from Hawaii in the 1950s. Also known as an aloha shirt.
Liam Librarian: Based on that, we might try searching "aloha shirt" as well
Patty Patron: ok that is good information
Patty Patron: That last one you provided looks like a perfect resource
Liam Librarian: those last links were from a couple of the business databases
Liam Librarian: All of the databases are listed here: LibGuides A-Z Databases List*. There is a filter at the top to narrow by subject, but you can also search for words like Fashion, in the descriptions
Liam Librarian: Do you think you have enough to look at for the moment, or can I help further?
Patty Patron: I think I have enough to work with at the moment. Thank you so much for all of your help.
Liam Librarian: Sure thing! It's an interesting topic for sure!
Liam Librarian: Do come back if you need more help searching!
Patty Patron: You're the best of the best!! Have an amazing day!
*Links to institution's search and LibGuides removed for privacy
Spotlight on Librarian Excellence
With the on-demand nature of Co-Op chat service, Co-Op librarians work hard to communicate clearly with the user while helping them. In this stellar example, Lauren Librarian establishes the research that Piper Patron has already done, takes the time to come up with relevant search terms, asks key follow-up questions to dig deeper into the topic, and even slips in an additional tip at the end!
April 26, 2024 | 2:31 am
Piper Patron: Hi! I need help with looking for peer reviewed articles that discuss the controversy of indigenous representation in Disney's Pocahontas and Moana or any other film that misrepresents native Americans. I'm also looking for more articles that correlate the relationship between indigenous feminism and film.
Lauren Librarian: Hi, thanks for sharing your topics. Where have you been searching so far?
Piper Patron: I've been using the library databases for information
Piper Patron: I've only been able to find two so far but I need more sources
Lauren Librarian: That's a good place to start. What have you been typing into the search bar so far? I can help suggest keywords for you to use.
Piper Patron: Indigenous feminism and film
Lauren Librarian: Maybe we need to add some synonyms to your keywords. Allow me some time to think of some keywords.
Lauren Librarian: For your first topic, I would suggest you use this exactly in the search bar: (indigenous OR native) AND (controversies OR misrepresentation OR representation OR portrayals) AND (films OR movies OR Hollywood OR Disney)
Piper Patron: okay I found a few more things from this
Piper Patron: what about articles that reject or disagree with indigenous feminism?
Lauren Librarian: So say more about what you mean by disagree with indigenous feminism?
Piper Patron: Hm I don't think I phrased that properly but basically I mean that indigenous feminism reinforces political identity of indigenous people. Are there any articles that disagree with Indigenous people being represented as a political identity? Sorry that was a little difficult to explain.
Lauren Librarian: Hmm, can you think of some example arguments against indigenous feminism?
Piper Patron: sovereignty and autonomy as well as colonial legacy or cultural relativism
Lauren Librarian: Maybe try:
Lauren Librarian: "indigenous feminism" AND (pushback OR controversies OR exclusion OR sovereignty OR autonomy OR "cultural relativism")
Piper Patron: hmm there's not much
Piper Patron: wait actually I found one source
Lauren Librarian: Oh okay! I was going to say, you may need to tweak the keywords
Piper Patron: yeah that's what I ended up doing
Lauren Librarian: But if you find one, you can go into its references (usually at the end) and find more that way too - if you need more.
Piper Patron: yeah I think I'll do that
Piper Patron: thank you for your help!
Lauren Librarian: You're welcome and good luck with that! Please login again if you have any additional questions. Take care and bye for now!
FAQ-tastic Interactions
This short and sweet chat interaction efficiently answers the patron's question and makes sure to cover all approaches! Our Co-Op librarian quickly found two LibAnswers FAQs to explain how library access works for both alumni and staff.
April 24, 2024 | 9:16 pm
Peyton Patron: I would like to borrow a book from Springy University. I am a current staff member and a former alumni, is that possible?
Louise Librarian: Hi Peyton, I'm Louise and I'll get some information for you on staff/alumni borrowing. Hang on a minute.
Peyton Patron: thank you
Louise Librarian: Here is some information on how alumni can access the library and library materials*. Staff can also borrow materials, as described here: How do I check out books?*.
Louise Librarian: Please let me know if this is helpful or not.
Peyton Patron: It is, thank you
*Links to institution's LibAnswers FAQs removed for privacy
For more information about the 24/7 Global Chat Cooperative, contact sales@springshare.com.