If you’re heading to the ALA Annual Conference in Washington, D.C and you thought all the amazing guest speakers were outside the exhibit hall, think again! Be sure to stop by Springy Booth #3136 to attend one of our amazing 10-15minute flash presentations! We’ll have guest speakers showcasing how they’re using Springshare Tools in their Library plus Springy-led sessions showing quick overviews of LibGuides, LibAnswers, LibCal, and more. And if you’re not heading to ALA, #alaleftbehind, we’ve got you covered… we’re streaming select presentations LIVE on our Facebook Page. If you can’t watch the sessions live, we’ve got you covered as well – selected streaming live sessions will be archived on our Facebook Video Page… so you can watch them live, or anytime afterwards.
*Please note, you do not need to have a Facebook account to view the videos… simply ignore the login/sign-up information and proceed.
And hey, while you’re looking at this videos on our Facebook page …why not take a minute and LIKE our page? This way, the next time we stream amazing guest speakers, you won’t miss out on seeing them. And remember, if you want to receive notifications in your Facebook Feed, you’ll also need to adjust your Springshare Facebook notifications to ON. This way, you won’t miss out on product updates, video presentations, Facebook Live streaming, and more.
Guest Speakers – Streaming Live on Facebook
All times listed in U.S. Eastern Time.
Student-created LibGuides: New Avenues for Faculty-librarian Collaboration
Presenter: Hedda Monaghan, Framingham State University
Date/Time: Fri, June 21: 6:30pm – 6:50pm
Join us as Hedda Monaghan discusses their triumph of faculty-librarian collaboration engaging students in a research-based learning and knowledge-making project. After a chance meeting at new faculty orientation, a member of the English department and the digital services librarian developed the grammar guide project. Students worked in groups to collect resources and develop examples on a grammar topic and worked with the librarian to create the research guide.
Using LibAnswers to Manage eResource Tickets
Presenter: Kelly Smith, Eastern Kentucky University (@kelly_smith72)
Date/Time: Sat, June 22: 10am – 10:20am
At Eastern Kentucky University, LibAnswers is used not just as a valuable chat reference tool, but it is also used to help manage electronic resources. Learn how to use tickets to track renewals, troubleshoot problems, communicate across library departments, and more. Find out how this approach can also help with training new employees and analyzing collection and service needs.
Presenter: Kim Westbrooks, Jacksonville State University
Date/Time: Sat, June 22: 12:00pm – 12:20pm
Starting a new job can be intimidating, but navigable information sources can ease the transition. A retiring librarian at a medium-sized academic institution, Jacksonville State University, created and updated 21 LibGuides that eased the transition for the librarian entering his position. This presentation briefly covers how one librarian began an educational transformation into academic librarianship by using the inherited wealth of information stored in LibGuides by the previous librarian.
Using LibInsight to Reshape How We Assess Our Marketing & Outreach Efforts
Presenter: Jessica Kiebler, Berkeley College
Date/Time: Sun, June 23: 12pm – 12:20pm
In order to measure our positive impact on the college community, we designed an assessment workflow using a LibInsight form, which allows us to effectively assess and analyze programming and outreach efforts, which are aligned to our institutional goals and the library’s operational goals. Participants will learn about our library’s strategic method of reshaping our assessment processes and how we created an effective data collection form with LibInsight, all which work well for a multi-campus institution.
Product Overview/Quick Flashes
All times listed in U.S. Eastern Time.
LibAnswers Flashes:
- LibAnswers /w LibChat: 24/7 Coop Coming Soon – Perhaps you missed the big announcement on May 31, or our recent blog post from Slaven, Chief Springy. Springshare recently acquired QuestionPoint and we’ll be integrating the QuestionPoint Cooperative service and 24/7 support from the QuestionPoint Reference Team into the LibAnswers Platform. We’ll cover the ‘why’ behind the acquisition, a brief tour of LibChat, and time for Q & A.
Note: This is an ideal session for QuestionPoint subscribers to learn more about the LibAnswers Question Form and LibChat features.
- Fri, June 21: 5:45pm – 6pm
Sat, June 22: 11am – 11:15am – This session streamed live on our Facebook Page.
Sun, June 23: 1:30pm – 1:45pm – This session streamed live on our Facebook Page.
- LibAnswers General Overview – This flash will give a brief overview of the LibAnswers Platform.
QuestionPoint Subscribers: Depending upon your service agreement with QuestionPoint, you may or may not have access to all LibAnswers Platform features..
- LibChat: Meet them where they are with Screensharing! – This flash gives a quick your of the screensharing functionality available inside of LibChat.
LibCal Flashes:
- Calendars + Spaces + Equipment… Oh My! – This flash will cover how all the components of LibCal work together including a quick overview of the Billing, Payments, and Discount Codes functionality.
Dates/Times: - Appointment Scheduler: Meeting Your Users – This flash covers LibCal’s Appointment Scheduler for setting up one-on-one consultation appointments with patrons.
Dates/Times:- Sat, June 22: 2:30pm – 2:45pm
Sun, June 23: 3:30pm – 3:45pm – This session streamed live on our Facebook Page.
LibGuides Flashes:
- Using LibGuides to Promote Social Issues with Timely Responses – Learn how you can use LibGuides to engage users with topical, current events resources.
Dates/Times:Sat, June 22: 12:30pm – 12:45pm – This session streamed live on our Facebook Page.
- Mon, June 24: 11:30am – 11:45am
- Customizing LibGuides with Google Fonts – Explore customizing your system fonts in LibGuides using Google Fonts.
LibCRM Flashes:
- LibCRM: A CRM for Outreach & Liaison Librarians – Explore Springshare’s latest tool, a Customer Relationship Management Tool designed specifically for Libraries.
LibWizard Flashes:
- Exploring & Switching to LibWizard v2 – ICYMI, there’s a new version of LibWizard available to you! Explore the new features via our Preview functionality and learn how to migrate.
LibStaffer Flashes:
- Staffing Workers, Volunteers, & Pages – Explore how you can use LibStaffer to schedule multiple service points all whilst juggling staffing availability and duties.
LibInsight Flashes:
- LibInsight COUNTER 5 – Did you know that LibInsight is fully COUNTER 5 compliant? Explore our newest COUNTER 5 features and how it works in LibInsight to get you actionable data.