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Talia Richards-Resendes
Vice President of Marketing


Springshare: Measuring User Satisfaction with LibAnswers

New Quality of Service Features Round Out Communication Platform

MIAMI (January 27, 2021) – Today Springshare announces a new suite of LibAnswers features dedicated to gathering user feedback and harnessing metrics important to virtual reference, library assistance, and support services. Together they provide customers with the ability to reduce dissatisfied tickets, improve patron satisfaction, and accurately capture staff output.

“Remote teaching and virtual helpdesk service models at universities and public libraries present unique challenges in capturing how users perceive the value of the library services they receive,” said Chief Springy Slaven Zivkovic. “Our new Quality of Service features help libraries - but also IT departments, other campus teams, or city agencies - accurately measure user satisfaction and staff effectiveness for the assistance they provide via LibAnswers.”

LibAnswers, Springshare’s all-in-one online helpdesk and real-time chat platform, now includes the following Quality of Service (QoS) features:

  • The option to automatically email a feedback survey to recently closed tickets.
  • Ticket metrics like time to first reply, time to close, and total staff interactions.
  • Chat ratings with wait time and duration metrics.
  • A QoS statistics area for data deep dives.

These new features close the customer feedback loop, allowing customers to identify trends, quantify staff performance, and discover areas of improvement.

For more information about LibAnswers’ new QoS suite, read Springshare’s ​recent blog announcement​.

About Springshare

Springshare helps libraries and educational institutions elevate their online presence to better serve and engage their users online. Founded in 2007, Springshare serves over 7,500 institutions across more than 100 countries.   

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