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Talia Richards-Resendes
Vice President of Marketing


Springshare Celebrates Pickup Manager Launch for Integrated Contactless Pickups

Mobile-First & Affordable Holds Management Tool Now Available

MIAMI (October 15, 2020) - Today Springshare is launching Pickup Manager, a new LibApps tool designed to help libraries improve workflows around the pickup of library holds. Pickup Manager combines Springhare’s scheduling and communication features with integrated library systems (ILS) holds functionality. The end result is an affordable and user-friendly pickup management platform.

“Although COVID-19 upended many workflows for staff and patrons alike, item holds pickup processes were already due for a much needed revamp,” said Chief Springy Slaven Zivkovic. “The Pickup Manager we’re launching today provides welcome, long-lasting, budget-friendly improvements to holds management and coordination.”

Important features of Pickup Manager:

  • Two-way integration with ILS holds and patron records, thus eliminating double-entry efforts with holds management.
  • Seamless and flexible scheduling of patron pickups with two-way SMS, chat, and email communication between patrons and staff.
  • Powerful analytics around the holds service helping libraries gain valuable insight into holds to enhance engagement with patrons.
  • Integration with LibCal’s Equipment Booking module for pickup of equipment available for lending – e.g. museum/zoo passes and similar “library of things” offerings.

“Our customers are quickly adjusting to the ‘new normal’, and we’re moving right along with them to help them do what they do best: provide information and services to their communities quickly and efficiently,” said Vice President of Product Cindi Blyberg. “We took our many years of experience with LibCal’s scheduling and LibAnswers’ communication features to deliver this new tool in record time and make it the most affordable pickup and holds management platform on the market.”

About Springshare

Springshare helps libraries and educational institutions elevate their online presence to better serve and engage their users online. Founded in 2007, Springshare serves over 7,500 institutions across more than 100 countries.   

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