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New LibGuides Community Site

Hello Springyverse! We are pumped to announce that we have a brand new LibGuides Community site! 🙂

We’ve completely rethought the Community site and are thrilled with the results. Guide Search, Institution Search, Librarian Search, and introducing….Springy Picks! Let’s take this one-at-a-time, shall we?

Find Guides allows you to search v2 guides (get inspired!), and the results page has facets on guide type, subjects, tags, and library type for filtering. Find Institutions helps you find other like-minded-Springyverse-LibGuides-customers, including limiting by library type and location. Browse the beautiful site screenshots or switch to table view! Find Librarians connects you with other Librarians using LibGuides – think of the collaborations & new friendships you can cultivate!

Last, but certainly not least, is Springy Picks: sites and guides that we think are great, for one reason or another. Browse all sites or guides (there’s a tab for each), or limit by subjects: sites we thought were cool because of Springy Integrations or Visual Design, or guides that are on an Interesting Topic or are there for Fun & Shenanigans (we <3 fun & shenanigans! 😉 ).

Please note: Seeing a site or guide listed in this area does not constitute permission to copy anything…you’ll need to contact the site / guide author for that! It simply means we like what they did.

A screenshot slideshow is below for your perusal…we’re sure it’ll make you want to go to the site and try it out for yourself!

6 thoughts on “New LibGuides Community Site”

  1. I am SO happy that you are revising the Libguides Community page. However, it doesn’t seem to be working very well. I could not find our school — in fact, I could not find ANY school in Illinois. Also, there was a feature in the past (type of institution filter) which was very helpful. I hope you bring that back.

    1. Hi, Linda! The filters (by institution name, type, and location) are available on the Find Institutions tab rather than the Find Guides tab. Give that a shot and let us know what you think! 🙂

  2. HI
    Is there an advanced search for the ‘find guides’ tab. I used to be able to just search K-12 schools on a topic and now I can’t find where to do this. I tried looking at by institution but I do not have one in mind. I used to be able to put in a topic and look at what was out there on it in the K-12 world.
    Any suggestions?
    L Schwartz

    1. Hi Lori –
      Once you perform a search from the Find Guides tab, you’ll see the options for limiters on the right side of the screen, which normally includes the Library Type filter. Looks like our latest update may have caused some trouble here – I’m going to alert our developers to this. Sorry for the inconvenience & thanks for the question!

    1. Hi Kat –
      There isn’t currently a way to limit to just one country or region of the world, though that is something that we’re going to include in a future release! I don’t have a timeframe on that, so please keep an eye on the blog for release notes posts for an announcement of that feature.

      In the meantime, the Community site’s Guide search returns results from all regions and is ranked by relevance. We did some testing and saw that results did, indeed, come in from all regions, so that is working properly. We also did some searches that ought to logically return U.S.-centric guides first (Appalachia, for example), and that also worked as expected. Would you mind giving us an example of the type of thing you’re searching on, so we can ensure that everything is working appropriately, both now and in future when we implement the location limiter? (You can either post here or write to our support team and ask them to pass your example on to the LibGuides Product Manager.)

      We’re always looking at how we can improve our products and support, so we appreciate your feedback!

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