Admin Stuff
- Use Your Library’s Syndetics ID for Cover Art – If you’re a Syndetics customer, you can now add your Syndetics ID to LibGuides! Any new Books from the Catalog that you add will use your images. Previously-added Books from the Catalog will stll use the default set of cover images unless you edit any of the books’ fields. Go to Admin > System Settings > Proxy & Library Systems and add your Syndetics ID.
- Preview Your Profile Page while editing! Click your email address > My Profile > Profile Page.
- Additional Password Security – You are now required to enter your current password before you can change your LibApps password. This follows best practices of most other websites. If you forget your current password, click “Forgot Password?” on the login screen to have a link emailed to the address associated with your account. Click your email address in the top-right corner to go to your profile.
Guide Edit Stuff
- Spell Check as You Type (SCAYT) – Recognize those squiggly red lines when you’re composing an email or document? Now you’ll see them in LibGuides, when you’re creating or editing Rich Text content items.
- Vanilla HTML editor – Want to write your own HTML code? No problem! Click Edit > HTML to edit the code behind a Rich Text content item directly.
Choose where a new content item will be inserted Box and Asset position options – Create boxes and place them anywhere in a column, or create
assets and place them anywhere in a box. Just want to add a link to the bottom of a box? No problem–“bottom” is the default.
User-Requested Features
- Site breadcrumbs can now be individually styled or hidden:
Breadcrumbs, left-to-right, are Customer, Site, Guide, and Page - Descriptions that you add to Resource Icons are used as the icons’ ALT text. Add icons and descriptions at Content > Assets > A-Z List > Icons.
- For clients with both LibGuides 2 and LibAnswers 2, search terms are carried over when you search LibGuides then click the LibAnswers button:
Redo any search in your LibAnswers 2 site with a single click!
Now under the blue applications menu, you will see all the systems associated with your site, even if you don’t have an account in that system. Clicking a system that you do not have access to will pop up a message for you to contact the system’s administrator:

where is the how to book/website for libguides?
Hi, Bobbie!
Go to our website,, to get more information about LibGuides. You can also email sales at springshare dot com for more info! 🙂