No one has given them a cutesy label yet—thank goodness for that—but 16-29 year olds have been identified by Pew Research as a key and, in many ways, surprising demographic for public libraries.
The under-30 crowd has particular needs and particular ways they want their needs met. Pew’s recent report “Young Americans’ Library Habits and Expectations” says members of this age group are not only heavy technology users, but “value a mix of traditional and technological library services.”
Are you looking for ways to bridge the gaps—between the traditional and the technological and between you and your young users? Let Springy products help.
Online Here, There, Anywhere. Younger adults are one-third more likely than the general adult population to have visited a library’s website, both in the library and remotely, reports Pew. What’s more, 40% of them have accessed library services and resources via a mobile device. Springy products let you reach this key group in what you might call their natural habitat. (All Springy products are mobile-ready, natch.)
- Answers at Their Fingertips. 16-29 year olds are 25% less likely than older Americans to get help from a librarian when visiting a library, reports Pew. But 77% of them say they would be likely to use an online Ask a Librarian service. Ring any bells? If you have LibAnswers, make sure you’re keeping these most-likely-to-ask patrons in mind. Don’t have LibAnswers yet? Here’s another good reason to add it to your suite of services.
Wazzup? (And When?) Nearly two-thirds of 16-29 year olds say it’s very important for public libraries to provide free events and activities, such as classes and cultural events, for people of all ages. At the same time, they’re less likely than older adults to be aware of what the library has to offer. Reach them where they’re at. Put your events online in LibCal and make them easy to find.
Public librarians: how would you use Springy products to reach 16-29 year olds and keep them as library regulars now and in the future. Read the Pew report and share your ideas with other Springy librarians in the comments.