DUBLIN, OH (June 16, 2023) - Patron Point announced today that the Carnegie-Stout Public Library (C-SPL) based in Dubuque, Iowa, has selected our patron engagement platform to support its mission of enriching lives through experiences and resources that encourage discovery.

The Carnegie-Stout Public Library is an iconic pillar of the Dubuque community. Its collection of now more than 240,000 items is comprised of print, audio/video materials, and various online resources including ebooks, digital magazines, streaming movies, research databases, and more. C-SPL offers an inventory of non-traditional items for checkout as well, from hot spots and GoPro cameras to baking pans, board games, and ukuleles.
C-SPL offers an extensive list of programs and services to its patrons to round out their learning and entertainment needs. These include storytimes, reading challenges, skills development courses, book clubs, delivery to the homebound, and a Maker Space offering state-of-the-art equipment.
Serving the Dubuque community since 1902, Carnegie-Stout Public Library aims to improve and empower lives through accessible resources, community engagement, and entertainment opportunities in a welcoming environment. Learn more at carnegiestout.org.
About Patron Point
Patron Point is a fully featured patron relationship management system that helps public libraries around the world attract, onboard, inform, engage, and retain library customers through targeted marketing and automated engagement. Libraries can benefit from a foundation of Proven Programs™ or create their own workflows that are customized to their communities and needs.
About Springshare
Springshare helps libraries and educational institutions elevate their online presence to better serve and engage their users online. Founded in 2007, Springshare serves over 7,500 institutions across more than 100 countries.