Springshare Newsroom

Public Libraries Adopt Springshare’s Patron Point 

March 1, 2024

MIAMI, FL (March 1, 2024) - Springshare is thrilled to announce that the Innisfil ideaLAB & Library, Iberville Parish Library, and the Somerset County Library System have adopted the Patron Point marketing and automation platform to support their outreach and community engagement efforts.  Innisfil ideaLAB & Library in Ontario, Canada has chosen Patron Point to support their commitment to making customers' lives better, connecting them to their community, and helping them achieve their goals. Innisfil ideaLAB & Library has made this selection to better understand what each customer wants to learn about and deliver the most educational and captivating information possible. 

Iberville Parish Library in Plaquemine, Louisiana will use Patron Point to foster and improve new and innovative ways of involving the library in the everyday life of the community. Iberville Parish Library (serving 29,824 residents in Plaquemine, LA) plans to use email campaigns to keep their patrons better informed about services and programs, as well as to promote the interest, welfare and use of the Iberville Parish Library system. They know that a community is a better place to live with a first-rate library. To support their community goals, Iberville Parish Library shares access to over 11 million items in both online and physical catalogs. They also offer enriching continuing education courses, a resume builder for career advancement, and even free online tutoring. 

The Somerset County Library System of New Jersey will use Patron Point to help establish each of their 11 branches as a hub for connecting, exploring, sharing, and discovering. By creating focused audience segments and automated email campaigns, SCLSNJ will provide targeted communications to increase engagement with the library's catalog and offerings. SCLSNJ serves the residents of Somerset County, NJ and receives over 480,000 visits a year. Their patronage produces a circulation of more than 2.3 million items annually.  

About Patron Point

Patron Point is a fully featured patron relationship management system that helps public libraries around the world attract, onboard, inform, engage, and retain library customers through targeted marketing and automated engagement. Libraries can benefit from a foundation of Proven Programs™ or create their own workflows that are customized to their communities and needs. 

About Springshare

Springshare helps libraries and educational institutions elevate their online presence to better serve and engage their users online. Founded in 2007, Springshare serves over 7,500 institutions across more than 100 countries.