Springshare Newsroom

Dakota County Library (MN) joins Patron Point®

July 14, 2023

PatronPoint-Logo-IconLeft.pngDUBLIN, OH (July 14, 2023) - Patron Point announced today that Dakota County Library (DCL) in Eagan, Minnesota, has selected our patron engagement platform to help fulfill its vision of acting as a catalyst, connector​ and partner to empower residents to build a successful community.

Dakota County Library serves a population of over 408,000 residents providing 9, soon to be 10, locations and a large collection of both print and electronic materials. Patrons can fulfill their lifelong love of learning with access to books, ebooks, audiobooks, movie, TV, and audio streaming, as well as various research databases and two law libraries. Patrons will also enjoy book group kits, language learning tools, a home delivery service, career services, and even customized reading suggestions delivered to their inboxes.

A wide range of DCL events and services enhance library members' learning and entertainment. These include storytimes for kids, skills courses, homework help, technology training, arts and crafts sessions, STEM activities, and more.

About Patron Point

Patron Point is a fully featured patron relationship management system that helps public libraries around the world attract, onboard, inform, engage, and retain library customers through targeted marketing and automated engagement. Libraries can benefit from a foundation of Proven Programs™ or create their own workflows that are customized to their communities and needs. 

About Springshare

Springshare helps libraries and educational institutions elevate their online presence to better serve and engage their users online. Founded in 2007, Springshare serves over 7,500 institutions across more than 100 countries.