Springshare Newsroom

NCW Libraries (WA) implements Patron Point®

June 9, 2023

PatronPoint-Logo-IconLeft.pngDUBLIN, OH (June 9, 2023) - Patron Point announced today that NCW Libraries in Wenatchee, Washington, has selected Patron Point as their automated marketing platform in order to fulfill the library's mission to connect the people of North Central Washington to vital resources and opportunities that foster individual growth and strengthen communities.

NCW Libraries operates 30 community libraries and provides service to Washington's most rural residents through their popular Mail Order Library and two bookmobiles. The Library's website provides library cardholders free access to eBooks and digital audiobooks as well as many online resources, including LinkedIn Learning, The New York Times, Consumer Reports, Rosetta Stone, and more.

NCW Libraries also offers a rich events calendar to its patrons, with book clubs, crafting sessions, storytimes, tutoring, music sessions, and so much more.

About Patron Point

Patron Point is a fully featured patron relationship management system that helps public libraries around the world attract, onboard, inform, engage, and retain library customers through targeted marketing and automated engagement. Libraries can benefit from a foundation of Proven Programs™ or create their own workflows that are customized to their communities and needs. 

About Springshare

Springshare helps libraries and educational institutions elevate their online presence to better serve and engage their users online. Founded in 2007, Springshare serves over 7,500 institutions across more than 100 countries.