Springshare Newsroom

Springshare Announces LibAnswers Chatbot

February 15, 2023

MIAMI (February 15, 2023) - Springshare is excited to announce the new LibAnswers Chatbot functionality, launching next week with general availability to all worldwide customers by the end of February. LibAnswers Chatbot can serve as the first point of contact for chat patrons, guiding them through search options, assisting with finding common FAQs and general library information, and passing them off to live chat operators whenever needed. Chatbot functionality combined with 24/7/365 Chat Cooperative Coverage gives patrons an option for self-service while providing on-demand live help whenever they need it - at any time of day or night.

"Our new LibAnswers Chatbot tool allows libraries to further connect with patrons and provide an even more readily accessible chat service," said Slaven Zivkovic, Springshare Founder and CEO. "Patrons can engage with Chatbot for reference support at any time, even if library staff isn't available at the moment. Better - and more frequent - engagement with patrons is an important goal for libraries. With LibAnswers Chatbot, our libraries now have a tool to assist with engagement efforts." 

With LibAnswers Chatbot, libraries create their own "flows" to guide patrons toward the answers and resources they're looking for, before they talk to a librarian. Our Chatbot is rule-based, not AI, so libraries are in full control of the entire user experience. Chatbot analytics help libraries analyze the chatbot interactions so that they'll always be able to identify places for improvement.  

LibAnswers Chatbot can route questions to specific chat departments, prompt patrons to create a new LibAnswers ticket, and search the LibAnswers FAQ. In addition, Chatbot integrates with other Springshare tools to direct users to LibCal for event registration or equipment and space bookings, connect patrons to LibGuides information, and even send patrons to LibWizard forms or surveys. 

To learn more about LibAnswers Chatbot and to see it in action, sign up for one of our webinars in March

About Springshare

Springshare software helps libraries engage with their communities and deepen relationships with users. Our SaaS suite is used by over 7,500 libraries in 91 countries around the world.

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