The Springy Share

SpringySession: Leave a Lasting Impression with Short Informal Videos

Written by Hannah | March 20, 2025

It's no secret: videos can really pack a punch when it comes to boosting your online presence! At Springshare, we're all about using short, informal videos to elevate our customer service, deliver clear instructions, or share a handy Springy tip. We're excited to pass on our expertise in this webinar focused on crafting videos that are quick to create but will leave a lasting impression on your users!

Join Springys Corinne and Hannah for a lively session where you’ll leave with ideas for incorporating quick videos into your workflow right away! Learn why short videos are gaining in popularity, why you should define your objective and audience first, and how to deliver information users are looking for as succinctly as possible.

This 45-minute webinar will cover:

  • Why and when to create informal videos
  • Best practices for filming, editing, and sharing content
  • Time-saving tips for you and your viewers
  • Using short video content in your Springy Tools, from LibAnswers to LibMaps and beyond
  • Ideas for making your longer format videos more accessible

Wednesday, April 9 | 1:00pm - 1:45pm US ET
Time listed in US Eastern Time. Convert to your time zone.

Meet the Speakers!

Corinne Coveney is a Marketing Specialist at Springshare! Corinne brings her experience working in public libraries across eastern Massachusetts. In her free time, she enjoys sending snail mail, reading (of course!), and chilling with her cats.

Hannah Nguyen is a Marketing Specialist at Springshare! Her background is in marketing and in her free time she likes to read, make crafts, and roller skate.

Recordings Available

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