The Springy Share

LibGuides, LibAnswers, LibCal and LibStaffer Features Coming Your Way!

Written by Sarah | March 14, 2025

These releases are on their way to you next week, and will be live in all regions by the end of the day on Friday, March 21, 2025.


  • You can now include a QR code within your event registration confirmation emails for easy event check-in! On the day of the event, librarians can scan the QR code using a mobile device and check in the patron with one click. Easy event check-ins for the win! To use this new feature, when creating a new event that requires registration, set the "Enable check-ins via QR Codes" to "yes".
  • For Equipment, we've added a new setting to prevent all future bookings for a given item until it's been returned. Head to Admin>Spaces & Equipment>Settings>Equipment Overdue Settings to use this new feature.

For more details on these and more, head over to the Lounge’s LibCal March Release post!

Training resources for LibCal: live sessions | recorded sessions | SpringyU self-paced learning


  • We've added a new Patron Lookup feature on the ticket answer page and chat dashboard, which enables sites who have an active ILS Integration with a supported ILS to look up patron data including checkouts, holds, and fines from within LibAnswers! Even better, these new lookups also include patron data from LibAnswers and data from LibCal including Event Bookings, Appointments, and Equipment & Space bookings all in one spot!
  • When creating a new account, you can now copy account permissions from an existing account, to help speed up the account creation process!
  • Macros can now be reassigned to other account holders.

For more details on these and more, head over to the Lounge’s LibAnswers March Release post!

Training resources for LibAnswers: live sessions | recorded sessions | SpringyU self-paced learning


  • We’re excited to announce A-Z Resource Stats, a powerful new feature that gives you deep insights into how patrons interact with your A-Z Lists and Assets.
  • We've addressed several bugs related to adding custom code to blogs, and added the attributes field as a filter for auto-updating lists.

For more details on these and more, head over to the Lounge’s LibGuides March Release post!

Training resources for LibGuides: live sessions | recorded sessions

Training resources for LibApps: recorded sessions


  • You can now set your default schedule timeline view to the Staff Timeline or Shift Timeline views! Head to Admin> Schedule Settings> Edit Schedule> Calendar Settings> Default View to choose the default view that's best for you.
  • We've added numerical only value fields for the duration and total hours on to the “Scheduled Shifts” and “Time Off Category Summary” reports.

For more details on these and more, head over to the Lounge’s LibStaffer March Release post!

Training resources for LibStaffer: recorded sessions | SpringyU self-paced learning