Springshare Newsroom

Public Libraries in the United States, Canada, and Australia Implement Springshare’s Patron Point

Written by Kirsten | January 19, 2024

MIAMI (January 19, 2024) - Springshare announced today that Warren-Trumbull Library, Kingston Frontenac Public Library, Nashville Public Library, and the City of Parramatta Libraries have selected the Patron Point engagement platform to support their communication and marketing efforts.

Warren-Trumbull County Public Library (W-TCPL) in Warren, Ohio will use Patron Point to support its mission of providing materials and services to meet the informational, cultural, and educational needs of county residents. W-TCPL features six libraries, a Bookmobile, and a Library-By-Mail Service to serve more than 148,000 residents with a collection of more than 405,000 items. Events abound across the library's branches offering everything from early literacy programs for children to clubs for teens to social and educational events for adults. 

Kingston Frontenac Public Library in Kingston, Ontario has selected Patron Point to help promote their vision of bringing communities together, sparking curiosity and creating possibility for all. One of the main contributing factors to their choice was the ability to build focused messaging to their patrons in order to facilitate learning, exploration, and connection. 

Nashville Public Library (NPL) in Nashville, Tennessee will use the Patron Point marketing automation platform to streamline online library card registration. Employing GIS map data and an integration with the library's CARL.X system, Patron Point's Verify™ service will give NPL the ability to automatically issue cards to applicants within the service area of the library. Immediate card issuance will allow patrons to begin using the library sooner while saving staff time and processing costs. Patrons will have access to a main library and 20 branches across metropolitan Nashville and Davidson County. NPL circulates more than 5 million items yearly including an ever-expanding catalog of digital materials. 

City of Parramatta Libraries based in Parramatta, New South Wales, Australia will be using Patron Point to improve communications with the million-plus people who visit their library branches every year, as well as allowing customers to find out more details about the events that interest them amongst the thousands run by the libraries annually. 

About Patron Point

Patron Point is a fully featured patron relationship management system that helps public libraries around the world attract, onboard, inform, engage, and retain library customers through targeted marketing and automated engagement. Libraries can benefit from a foundation of Proven Programs™ or create their own workflows that are customized to their communities and needs. 

About Springshare

Springshare helps libraries and educational institutions elevate their online presence to better serve and engage their users online. Founded in 2007, Springshare serves over 7,500 institutions across more than 100 countries.