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New in LibAnalytics: Duration Analysis

You probably know this about us by now, but when we hear great ideas from clients, we like to make them happen fast. Created thanks to a mix of great ideas and Ninja know-how, our new Duration Analysis report is a great way to view how much time you’re spending on transactions (instruction sessions, research consultations, etc.). Here’s how it works:

When you record a transaction, make sure you’re recording start and end time using the Time Stamp field:

Head to the Data Explorer, and generate a report based on any combination of fields and values. You’ll see a new report – Duration Analysis. Use this tab to discover:

    1. Total time spent on all transactions (how much time was spent delivering instruction/reference sessions?)
    2. Maximum & Minimum transaction durations (what’s the longest and shortest session time?)
    3. Average & Median transaction durations (what’s the average duration of your sessions?)
    4. Quick Links to the Longest and Shortest transactions (what’s this session that took 300 minutes?)

Plus, we’ve added a new report filter! The Optional Duration Filter filters reports based on transaction duration – use it to discover things like:

    1. Which transactions took < 30 minutes?
    2. Which transactions took > 60 minutes?
    3. Which transactions lasted exactly 45 minutes?
This new tool in the LibAnalytics Data Arsenal offers another insight into your library operations, and makes it that much easier to demonstrate the value and use of your library services. How much time are librarians spending on instruction for a department on campus? How much time is spent filling staff requests? Discovering data patterns and quickly retrieving relevant statistics helps you improve your services – and there is no better tool for it than LibAnalytics!

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