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Friendly URLs in LibGuides

We heard you – you wanted “friendlier” urls for your Guides. When you are talking to patrons (or need to put the Guide url on paper) it would be neat if your Guide could have a simple url, like http://libguidesdomain/education (for your Guide about Education resources) or http://libguidesdomain/comm230 (for your comm230 course Guide).

Now you can do just that! Here’s how: On your Guide admin page, click on the “status” link (next to the Guide title) and you will be able to define a custom url shortcut for this Guide. The only trick is that you can’t have the same url shortcut for two different guides on the same domain (i.e. at your library), so act fast before someone takes the keyword that you wanted so bad!

Here are few examples of friendly LibGuides urls:

The image below shows the location of the friendly/custom url option on your Guide admin page. Enjoy!

2 thoughts on “Friendly URLs in LibGuides”

  1. Hi – Is there a way for other librarians to see the short URLs for my guides, or for me to find out the short URLs that other librarians have given to their guides?

  2. Hi Britt,

    Thank you for this excellent suggestion. We have modified the code to include this feature. Now if there is a friendly URL defined for a guide it will be displayed next to the guide status, in the admin mode. To see the friendly URL for guides of other librarians, simply pick the guide you want to see, by clicking on “Add Pages to Guides created by other users” option on the main admin page.

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