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“No Cover Art” Placeholder Images for Books

Even though you have options to use cover art for books from both Syndetics and Amazon, there are some titles for which there are no covers available. So, we created a few placeholder images you can use instead. This is useful if you have 3 or so books in your Books from the Catalog box, and two have covers while the 3rd one does not. In order for all items to align nicely within a box, it would be helpful to have an image to use for the 3rd cover. Here are the cover art images you can use for this, depending on which cover placeholder you like, and what size you need:

Cover art url:
Cover art url:
Cover art url:
Cover art url:

This is where you should insert one of the above urls, depending on which you want to use:

3 thoughts on ““No Cover Art” Placeholder Images for Books”

  1. Pingback: » LibGuides Tip for books without covers Reference at Newman Library

  2. Hi Victor – the first two placeholder images we created are not book specific, so you could use either of those for your DVD cover art. If you would prefer something that looks more DVD specific, you could create your own image, upload it to a web-server (or your personal image library in LibGuides), and then paste the path to that image into the cover art field for your DVD entries. I hope those suggestions are helpful!

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